Our school lunch times were getting gradually more and more dull as I'm not good at standing around and chatting in French for 2 hours each day. So, I introduced my friends to handball. Now they are amazingly good at it. At some times it feels like the whole school is in the reserve line.
On Tuesday I had the best sport session ever! The teacher announced a free for all gymnastics session. We brought out the trampolines and the high mats. I thought it was a bit crazy but oh well. We did the superman, flips and jumps. We climbed to the roof like monkeys, climbed along the roof and had a push-up competition! The highest number was 35. It was great fun.
After school, I played tennis which was good, followed by Soccer training, at which we played a game against the older boys. Unfortunately, we were beaten. None of us cared as we had learnt some new tricks from them. With another training session on Friday, I am sure getting enough exercise. That night, for dinner, we had stir fried rice. It was a nice change to have an Asian style meal.
On Saturday, Dad and I went for a walk up the mountain with our neighbours' dog, Tristan. Tristan is a Flat Haired Retriever. He is red and shaggy with a large head. We hacked our way through the bush which was fun. It is so quiet high up in the mountains.

That night was a party at Serge and Isabelle's house with Pascal, Christine and his girls and Lugdevine, Giaullemme and their children Valentine, Matthis and Maele. We partied until one o'clock, when the adults decided to go home. We almost fell asleep in front of the PS3. We had a big sleep-in on Sunday morning because of the late night. We sat around all morning and played computer. At twelve o'clock, I ventured outside, to try and find my friends, who are usually out and about in the village. Unfortunately, there was nobody to be found. Sadly the afternoon weather had turned to showers leaving me to watch I-Robot with Dad. It was a fantastic movie starring Will Smith.
See you!