Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Eiffel Tower!

We started our week on Valentine's Day with a trip to the Eiffel Tower. Words can't describe what the view was like. It was beautiful. We started our tower adventure at a huge museum called Trocadero, which is about the history of Paris. The museum leads on to the Trocedero gardens, which overlook the tower itself.
We climbed the whopping seven hundred steps to level two which is as high as you can walk. The view got better and better as we climbed. From level two we caught an elevator up to the very top. Wow! The view was magnificent all around the tower.
It is so grand that it's hard to believe that it was built as a temporary structure. Inside, on the roof were signs that said how many kilometres it is to all the capital cities of the world. After admiring the wonderful view we all trekked down the monster of a monument and walked home.
We were anticipating the next day to be a good one as we visited the Palace and gardens of Versailles. The building was originally Louis XIII's hunting lodge before his son King Louis XIV transformed and expanded the building. He then moved his court and subjects to the palace in sixteen eighty two. Each of the kings during the revolution have made there own modifications to make it more beautiful for the residents.
After walking in the grand rooms of the royal family we all went for a stroll through the gardens of Versailles. The view was magnificent because of the Grand canal in the middle of the garden. The Grand Canal is a huge canal dedicated to the French kings and queens. We all went home exhausted from all the walking that we had done over the past few days. That night was full of singing, as we attended the Gregorien Chanting concert at the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Thursday was our second last day in Paris. We decided to visit Palais de la Decouverte. It is a museum that was created by a physicist in 1937 for the world fair. The exhibition focused on inventions and certain scientific sections like biology, astronomy and space. It was a hands on museum with a lot of hands on activities and demonstrations. My favourite was the interactive NASA computer which showed you all the planets and statistics of the weather on those planets.

On Friday we relaxed and fitted in a last session of ice-skating. I am getting better! We were all sad to leave the rink for the last time but made us remember all the good times we had. On Saturday we woke up at 6 o'clock to catch the TGV.
This week has been one of the best weeks here in France.
Au Revoir.

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