Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sleep over.

I started my week with studies and soccer in the school yard with my friends. My homework has increased dramatically, with me now also taking French lessons with dad's teacher, here in Mormoiron. I get a lot of homework from my French and Maths teachers at school, also.

On Wednesday I had soccer training with my team. We almost turned into icicles out there! I spent last Friday night at Raphael's house for an impromptu sleep-over, with Elisa, Raphael's sister, and ten more teenagers. It was Elisa's birthday party that night so there was fantastic fun. I played table soccer with Raphael and the other boys. I'm really good at this!

On Saturday night we had aperitifs with mum and dad's French teacher and a group of other English people. There were seven children all up. I was the eldest. We played table tennis and "kill Freddie". The idea was to chase the youngest boy and tackle him. As you can imagine, Ivy and I kept well away from that game. I won't get to play soccer this week because we have too many on the team to play every week. We lost last week, which was a shame.
On Sunday we went to visit Vaison-la-Romaine, together with our friends, Raphael and Elisa and their Mum and Dad. The town was built at the start of the Roman period but was buried when the empire fell. This was then rebuilt again in the middle ages. There is a single arced bridge in the middle which survived the terrible floods of the Ouveze river in '92.

When we arrived into town, we walked with Serge, Isobelle, Elisa and Raphael up the main street to a pirate restaurant! There were a lot of statues in the restaurant of pirates with their parrots. After a meal of steak and chips, we where ready to go outside. Our aim now was to walk up to the chateau of Toulouse. There are three main wings and a formidable tower surrounding a court yard. Unfortunately we didn't make it to the top as the path was covered in ice and it had started to snow very heavily. We played in the snow and laughed and threw snow down each other's coats. Suddenly our toes and fingers became very cold and the parents wanted to go home, as the roads were now getting a fair layer of snow on them. By the time we left, there was already a good 15cm of snow on the road and we drove down the mountain at less than 40km per hour - the whole way! We'll have to go back in the Spring when the weather is less fierce, to see all the stadium and old forts. and maybe to visit the pirate restaurant again...

Au revoir.

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